Monday, October 12, 2009


so one more thing abotu the lounge.

its not only a study place, but its also a catch-up-on-lost-sleep place.

the cushioned seats are comfortable and there is at least 2 or 3 people sleeping here even disregarding the time. so, why not have an extension to seats by adding pillows and blnankets? just last week, me and rosalie saw a guy actually bring a pillow and a sleeping bag and sleep. we were so jealous of him and wished we had that too.

im just saying.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cigarette request, accepted.

So my friend justin lum, always smokes and always has to have them with him. but occasionally some non frequent smoker will bum a cigarette from him and its nearly impolite to refuse if u have a lot of them. but some people, tend not to give them out just because of sanitary purposes. you dont want to put anything in your mouth that someone else has touched.
so why not make a cigarette box that has two ways to open. one main one for you, and a second smaller one on the other side meant just for that person. kind of like willy wonka nerds type of opening mechanism and the ice breakers mint collaberation.


so me and my buds had a bbq over the weekend and it was pretty fun. everyone had a blast and everyone got rowdy rowdy. but there was some trouble with the cooking. i am going to put my manly pride aside and tell you the truth: i had trouble cooking.
Solution: on the grill, they should have like a timer or some kind of alerter that tells us when to flip the patties and the hot links. that way, we can have burgers cloe to perfecton everytime. HOLLA


so an artist like me, always keeps about 2 or 3 sketchbooks with me for notes, a planner, and just to draw. and sometimes, i tend to draw something really cool in my NOTE book or my PLANNER book.

and instead of replicating it into my actual
drawing book or cutting and pasting it into my sketchbook. they should make a really thin adhesive layer in between the page so i can peel one side off and post it into my sketchbook.
this is my drawling sketchbook. well a page from it.

problem solved.

bag chair

so basically im sitting here trying to think of a creative design that can benefit this young world with endless possibilities. but sitting in the lounge, in this uncomfortable seat, is giving me a butt ache.
so i was thinking maybe u can make a portable cushion that is always with u but at the same time isnt a nuisance. so what do u carry with you at a daily basis? and its a backpack!

so a good design would be a backpack that can be changed into a cushion. that way, when you are sitting waiting for the bus or even for class to start, u can protect your utt by putting something comfortable under it.
