Monday, December 7, 2009

i phone

muni app!

polygraph universal

hahahahahhaha they should have a polygraph test set up to any high authority figures. such as obama during a speech. maybe fox news and what not. cuz i thought about it, people with power, have the capability to strategically erase and manipulate history and events that happen at this very moment.


new system

no one likes to rent out anything from the library? u ask why? simply because it is such a hassle to stop and search and ask someone as well. they should have a system resembling that of borders and have a computer/search engine. or maybe like a remote control that gets brighter the closer you are to it. just but a bar on it so it will beep loud when someone tries to walk out with it.


so today while iwas taking an exam, i wanted to check the time and busted out my phone to see waht time it is. then all the teachers looked at me like i was a crazy man. i shouldnt have done it sooo publically. however, if i got caught trying to look at my phone discretely, they might suspect that i am cheating more than before.

so, waht if you have a jacket with a see thru pocket? (the pic doesnt depict such pocket)

then u can be like, "oh my armpits sweaty!" and in the meantime, check the phone to see how much time you got left. and possibly some answers to question 9 and 10.

record your thoughts

im tired of reading without being able to process what im reading. maybe thats why i am barely passing my critical studies class... they demand me to read 43085 pages a day and it aint know Harry Potter type literature. so how about a think recorder.... u are able to record what u are thinking by placing a micro chip inside your brain. i dont know. maybe ear buds but not ear buds, more like mics that stick to the temple of your brain.

life wo;ul be soo mucheasier....

throat itcher.

when i have a cold, and i start to dry cough, i feel like i have to get my hand inside my esophogus somehow to scratch the shit out of it. maybe they should make a tool that can scratch it for me. like a back scratcher. only it doesn't make you gag and it really helps scratch your back.

or maybe a texture pill that wil scratch yo throat? hmmmm...

facebook stock book.

oh i know im a good designer. i observe like a master. i observe woman like i as observing my spoon and fork before eating at a restaurant.

but once i observe them, and i see them observing me, thats the end of it and there is no way i can reach them. so maybe, i secret camera liike thing and once you scan it and let face book recognize the facial features and looks thru its database, maybe i can get the name of the girl i was looking for?

cutting board

as an artist, i have to cut fucking everywhere.
i carry an x acto blade every where with me
as well as a cardboard box cutter.

so, i decided to make a portable table that is also a cutting matt.

just add legs to them and a stiffer back comprised of leight weight plywood.

