Monday, December 7, 2009

i phone

muni app!

polygraph universal

hahahahahhaha they should have a polygraph test set up to any high authority figures. such as obama during a speech. maybe fox news and what not. cuz i thought about it, people with power, have the capability to strategically erase and manipulate history and events that happen at this very moment.


new system

no one likes to rent out anything from the library? u ask why? simply because it is such a hassle to stop and search and ask someone as well. they should have a system resembling that of borders and have a computer/search engine. or maybe like a remote control that gets brighter the closer you are to it. just but a bar on it so it will beep loud when someone tries to walk out with it.


so today while iwas taking an exam, i wanted to check the time and busted out my phone to see waht time it is. then all the teachers looked at me like i was a crazy man. i shouldnt have done it sooo publically. however, if i got caught trying to look at my phone discretely, they might suspect that i am cheating more than before.

so, waht if you have a jacket with a see thru pocket? (the pic doesnt depict such pocket)

then u can be like, "oh my armpits sweaty!" and in the meantime, check the phone to see how much time you got left. and possibly some answers to question 9 and 10.

record your thoughts

im tired of reading without being able to process what im reading. maybe thats why i am barely passing my critical studies class... they demand me to read 43085 pages a day and it aint know Harry Potter type literature. so how about a think recorder.... u are able to record what u are thinking by placing a micro chip inside your brain. i dont know. maybe ear buds but not ear buds, more like mics that stick to the temple of your brain.

life wo;ul be soo mucheasier....

throat itcher.

when i have a cold, and i start to dry cough, i feel like i have to get my hand inside my esophogus somehow to scratch the shit out of it. maybe they should make a tool that can scratch it for me. like a back scratcher. only it doesn't make you gag and it really helps scratch your back.

or maybe a texture pill that wil scratch yo throat? hmmmm...

facebook stock book.

oh i know im a good designer. i observe like a master. i observe woman like i as observing my spoon and fork before eating at a restaurant.

but once i observe them, and i see them observing me, thats the end of it and there is no way i can reach them. so maybe, i secret camera liike thing and once you scan it and let face book recognize the facial features and looks thru its database, maybe i can get the name of the girl i was looking for?

cutting board

as an artist, i have to cut fucking everywhere.
i carry an x acto blade every where with me
as well as a cardboard box cutter.

so, i decided to make a portable table that is also a cutting matt.

just add legs to them and a stiffer back comprised of leight weight plywood.


Monday, October 12, 2009


so one more thing abotu the lounge.

its not only a study place, but its also a catch-up-on-lost-sleep place.

the cushioned seats are comfortable and there is at least 2 or 3 people sleeping here even disregarding the time. so, why not have an extension to seats by adding pillows and blnankets? just last week, me and rosalie saw a guy actually bring a pillow and a sleeping bag and sleep. we were so jealous of him and wished we had that too.

im just saying.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cigarette request, accepted.

So my friend justin lum, always smokes and always has to have them with him. but occasionally some non frequent smoker will bum a cigarette from him and its nearly impolite to refuse if u have a lot of them. but some people, tend not to give them out just because of sanitary purposes. you dont want to put anything in your mouth that someone else has touched.
so why not make a cigarette box that has two ways to open. one main one for you, and a second smaller one on the other side meant just for that person. kind of like willy wonka nerds type of opening mechanism and the ice breakers mint collaberation.


so me and my buds had a bbq over the weekend and it was pretty fun. everyone had a blast and everyone got rowdy rowdy. but there was some trouble with the cooking. i am going to put my manly pride aside and tell you the truth: i had trouble cooking.
Solution: on the grill, they should have like a timer or some kind of alerter that tells us when to flip the patties and the hot links. that way, we can have burgers cloe to perfecton everytime. HOLLA


so an artist like me, always keeps about 2 or 3 sketchbooks with me for notes, a planner, and just to draw. and sometimes, i tend to draw something really cool in my NOTE book or my PLANNER book.

and instead of replicating it into my actual
drawing book or cutting and pasting it into my sketchbook. they should make a really thin adhesive layer in between the page so i can peel one side off and post it into my sketchbook.
this is my drawling sketchbook. well a page from it.

problem solved.

bag chair

so basically im sitting here trying to think of a creative design that can benefit this young world with endless possibilities. but sitting in the lounge, in this uncomfortable seat, is giving me a butt ache.
so i was thinking maybe u can make a portable cushion that is always with u but at the same time isnt a nuisance. so what do u carry with you at a daily basis? and its a backpack!

so a good design would be a backpack that can be changed into a cushion. that way, when you are sitting waiting for the bus or even for class to start, u can protect your utt by putting something comfortable under it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

so this summer me and my friend Phil has been going fishing a lot. and since hes a working man with a real job, the only free time we have is evening hours around 6 pm - 10 pm therefore making it night fishing. And the pond is like a 5 minute drive away from my place. Since we know where when and how to cast, we are pretty succesful on getting bites. the only problem is that when it gets really dark, it tends to get hard to see where things are. So usually fishers keep a flashlight in there tackle box. But the downfall is, when u are settin up a pole, u need both hands hence sticking the flashlight uncomfortably in your mouth while you deal with tiny nots and sharp hooks.

so, why not built a lamplike light in a tackle box? that is exactly what i did for my intro to id class. however, it was an led project and led lights tend to have a narrow light span/vision/focal point. so it didnt give a wide view of stuff. so i am proposing that someone built a tackle boc with a light source in it so we can use to fish with

plz and thank u

Sunday, September 13, 2009


before i start, i would like to inform u that my gammar skills are really sucky. Just an FYI....

so this weekend, i went to sf from fremont (where i currently reside) with my friend to hit up some stores on height and powell. what happened was, me and him knocked out because we didnt get any sleep the night before. therefore, we missed our stop due to a deep sleep and had our headphones on. the only time we DID wake up was when the music stopped on my ipod because the tempo of sound (lack of better words) has changed from music, to near silence and little background murmurs. thats when my idea came up: to have a radio connection to ipod wifis that have a new app to completely stop the music and tell u what bart station, time and what train you are currently on. maybe that way our inner sensory skills can wake us up and give enough time to get off on the right stop. 


this is ejay..... on our ride back. he staayed up the whole ride back

so yeah, thats my idea, i dont know if doing this journal thing is a good idea.... what if u steal my ideas? thats a nono. but whatever.... im pretty laxxed about that kinda stuff. orr hopefully..

this is my mock up of how it would look on an itouch/phone:
