Sunday, September 13, 2009


before i start, i would like to inform u that my gammar skills are really sucky. Just an FYI....

so this weekend, i went to sf from fremont (where i currently reside) with my friend to hit up some stores on height and powell. what happened was, me and him knocked out because we didnt get any sleep the night before. therefore, we missed our stop due to a deep sleep and had our headphones on. the only time we DID wake up was when the music stopped on my ipod because the tempo of sound (lack of better words) has changed from music, to near silence and little background murmurs. thats when my idea came up: to have a radio connection to ipod wifis that have a new app to completely stop the music and tell u what bart station, time and what train you are currently on. maybe that way our inner sensory skills can wake us up and give enough time to get off on the right stop. 


this is ejay..... on our ride back. he staayed up the whole ride back

so yeah, thats my idea, i dont know if doing this journal thing is a good idea.... what if u steal my ideas? thats a nono. but whatever.... im pretty laxxed about that kinda stuff. orr hopefully..

this is my mock up of how it would look on an itouch/phone:

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